For the safety & security reason, members are requested to change the password after the first login in the “Account” section.
When logging in for the first time, the system will request to provide an email address for members in case they forget their password.
CITIGYM will open the reservation function for each class 2 hours before the class starts.
Members can actively cancel their reserved class 30 minutes before the class starts.
If member makes a reservation but does not come to join the class, the system will record as “No show”. In each subject, if a member has "No show" marks 3 times, he/she isn't allowed to book that subject for the rest of the week. Regulations apply to Yoga, GroupX class.
If member does not bring the Check-in code to join the class, Citigym Member Service staff will arrange for member to join if there is enough place available.
Member visit the website to log in booking online system:
Lưu ý:
1. Vì lí do bảo mật, Hội viên vui lòng thay đổi mật khẩu sau lần đăng nhập đầu tiên trong phần “Tài khoản”.
2. Lần đăng nhập đầu tiên, hệ thống sẽ yêu cầu cung cấp địa chỉ email phục vụ cho việc hội viên quên mật khẩu.
3. Vui lòng tham khảo “Hướng dẫn sử dụng” để biết thêm chi tiết.
- User ID : Membership barcode at Citigym (which can be seen on Membership card)
- Password: CITIGYM provides the default password is 123456.
Members can enter information about their favorite classes in the box "Search class" or icon to filter out their favorite classes.
Lưu ý: CITIGYM sẽ mở chức năng đặt chỗ cho từng lớp học trước 02 tiếng khi lớp học đó bắt đầu.
If the member is in the maximum capacity of the class, the system will display a message: “The QR code can be activated 15 mins before the sessions and expired when session started".
Member selects the class and clicks “Book”, then confirm.
If member is out of the maximum capacity of the class, the system will delay a message: “The class is full. You will be in the waiting list if you book"
After pressing the “Book” button, the system will notify member: “The Booking code will be activated when the class starts and the activation period expires 10 minutes after class starts". Member selects the class and clicks "Book", then confirm.
After complete booking, member must go to "History" and click on the information of the class you have booked, to receive the check-in code.
Members shows this code to check-in to join the class (each class will have 1 QR code and 1 numerical code).
If the member does not bring the check-in code to join the class, CITIGYM Member Service staff will arrange for member to enter the class if there is enough place available.
In addition, members can track their attendance at CITIGYM during the month in History section.